So I've been going to a prenatal yoga class a few times now and I actually like it quite a bit. A regular yoga class is fine for now as well, but I like to avoid the whole having to tell the instructor about my "condition" that requires me to modify poses the rest of the class can do just fine. As much as I don't want people to think I'm just fat, I also don't want people to see what the pregnant girl is doing.
One thing you notice when you see a group of pregnant people together in the same room, is how different people look. So this has helped ease my anxiety on what I should be looking like and what I will become at each stage of pregnancy. The three girls in the front row were all technically at full-term (between 38 and 40 weeks) and all looked VERY different. One could have been carrying twins (except she wasn't) and another one was so small she could still get away with wearing her old family reunion t-shirt. The other one was somewhere in the middle. And it doesn't seem to matter how big they are to start off with - so I'm not really sure of the science behind it. I guess everyone is just different (the ultrasound lady did mention I have wide hips because the baby can still fit length ways and hasn't had to turn yet - nice that they finally are good for something). But I do really wish I could feel the baby kick. Most people feel it between 18 and 22 weeks. So I still have a week and a bit to be in the "normal" range but it still makes me paranoid. I keep trying to feel it with my hand once in awhile in case that is more sensitive than the inside of my body (which sounds weird, but who knows?). One person told me it feels like a little bird scratching on the inside, and someone else told me it feels like blowing bubbles. The book says the first kicks feel like flutters. None of those things so far, so I will let you know.
Other than yoga I have been taking full advantage of the pool. Been in it almost everyday and it is awesome. Who knew it was a good idea to be pregnant in the middle of summer while living in Arizona?
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Burberry I love you
But why do you have to be so expensive???
Ok I'm in love. First we met online, and then when we met in person I fell even deeper. We spent a good 15 minutes together in the store, and then I had to go. So sad.
Any of you ever heard of a pushing present??? No, it doesn't involve drugs. This is a new concept where husbands buy wives a nice gift for "pushing" out the baby. I am a fan of this trend. I tried to "push" the idea of the burberry purse on the DH but so far....he didn't seem that excited about it. Also, he hadn't heard of the pushing present so I probably should have planned out two separate conversations. Anyway, here is the apple of my eye...
I know I know. It's ridiculous to spend that money on a purse. But it's for the baby. And seriously, it goes with everything.
Ok I'm in love. First we met online, and then when we met in person I fell even deeper. We spent a good 15 minutes together in the store, and then I had to go. So sad.
Any of you ever heard of a pushing present??? No, it doesn't involve drugs. This is a new concept where husbands buy wives a nice gift for "pushing" out the baby. I am a fan of this trend. I tried to "push" the idea of the burberry purse on the DH but so far....he didn't seem that excited about it. Also, he hadn't heard of the pushing present so I probably should have planned out two separate conversations. Anyway, here is the apple of my eye...
I know I know. It's ridiculous to spend that money on a purse. But it's for the baby. And seriously, it goes with everything.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
20 weeks
2 new photos for you this week. I had to take one in my new shirt sent to me as a surprise from a friend and the other just for consistency (although the only consistency you'll see is that it's black...not actually the same shirt). But that's what I wore to work today so that's what you get. Also, you get a shot at my new hair cut. But keep in mind it was in a pony tail all day so it can look much better than this.
The last picture is at my party - with my friend who is 6 weeks ahead of me.
Happy birthday to me, it's a....
As if you didn't know. Had the ultrasound on Friday and everything went really well. It was really cool to see more stuff since the one at 12 weeks. She could even point out that he was drinking and peeing by the liquid (a black spot on the screen) in his stomach and bladder. Yes, he's drinking and peeing out of the same fluid but apparently it's ok and gets recycled every 20 minutes. At one point he turned and looked at us - which was kind of freaky and cool at the same time. We could see my placenta was in a good spot (at the top, and not covering the cervix) and we could see his little feet kicking. At this point he weighs about 9 ounces (not really sure how she determines this) and I have gained about 1 pound total (remember I had some loss followed by gain). By next appointment (at 24 weeks) he'll be 50 percent viable if he were to be born.
So being that it was my birthday weekend and my mom was in town, we did some shopping. At first I was thinking that this would not be too much fun given my state of things at 20 weeks now (whoo hoo - half way through!) but surprisingly so many "normal people" clothing looks just like maternity wear. Seriously. I've been in maternity stores and you cannot tell the difference (with a lot of tops anyway...the elastic band pants kind of give it away) except for the price and less cuteness. I never got around to writing a blog dedicated to maternity wear shopping but I can sum it all up for you here - someone must think people who are pregnant are about 40 years old and want to blend into the background. All of the regular stores that carry maternity wear (i.e., target, kohls, jc penny) have the most plain, boring, and generally age-inappropriate clothing. And I figure I'm at the older end of having a baby. At least in my town (where we actually have the high school with the highest teen pregnancy rate in the country. Yes, that's right. We're number one!). I did eventually go to a higher end maternity store (including designs by Heidi Klum) which is much more cute but you pay the price. And all I was willing to pay for was a good pair of jeans, a super soft green tank top, and two tops I can wear to work (one is actually a nursing top although I haven't figured out what makes it good for nursing). Aside from these pieces, I learned that I'm set to shop in regular clothing stores. Shopping with my mom I found some really good finds at Marshalls (some ridculously long tank tops that are guarenteed to last the whole pregnancy) and Nordstrom's rack. So I saved a few bucks and can also feel good about wearing these after the pregancy is over (because really, who will wear maternity clothes when they're not pregnancy even if they do look normal). Now some people have told me that they can't even look at clothes they wore while they were pregnant - maternity or not - but it makes me feel better to buy clothes that I don't think have an expiry tag on them.
My birthday was actually on Sunday - but I had my pool party on Saturday (I did manage to find a cute black maternity bathing suit at Target. A good investment considering I'll be pregnant all summer long and discovered that swimming is great exercise for back pain). It was the exact same party as last year except everyone was sober. So in other words, it was completely different. Still fun mind you (the volley ball game actually stepped up a bit and moved into "keeping score" which was new) but nothing got broken, no one hit on underage girls at the corner store, and no new names for shots were made (Mexican banana cream pie anyone?). Next year, I'll have to put my DH on baby duty because it's just not a party unless someone's keys get put in the toilet or Senor Bob ends up on the bottom of the pool.
I decided to cut off my hair. Not really short but it does feel pretty short to me - you'll see it at my next photo update which is actually today. I like it better straight than curly so I'm imagining my hair will be worn straight a lot this summer but currently it is curly so stay tuned. Thanks to everyone for the birthday cards/wishes!
As if you didn't know. Had the ultrasound on Friday and everything went really well. It was really cool to see more stuff since the one at 12 weeks. She could even point out that he was drinking and peeing by the liquid (a black spot on the screen) in his stomach and bladder. Yes, he's drinking and peeing out of the same fluid but apparently it's ok and gets recycled every 20 minutes. At one point he turned and looked at us - which was kind of freaky and cool at the same time. We could see my placenta was in a good spot (at the top, and not covering the cervix) and we could see his little feet kicking. At this point he weighs about 9 ounces (not really sure how she determines this) and I have gained about 1 pound total (remember I had some loss followed by gain). By next appointment (at 24 weeks) he'll be 50 percent viable if he were to be born.
So being that it was my birthday weekend and my mom was in town, we did some shopping. At first I was thinking that this would not be too much fun given my state of things at 20 weeks now (whoo hoo - half way through!) but surprisingly so many "normal people" clothing looks just like maternity wear. Seriously. I've been in maternity stores and you cannot tell the difference (with a lot of tops anyway...the elastic band pants kind of give it away) except for the price and less cuteness. I never got around to writing a blog dedicated to maternity wear shopping but I can sum it all up for you here - someone must think people who are pregnant are about 40 years old and want to blend into the background. All of the regular stores that carry maternity wear (i.e., target, kohls, jc penny) have the most plain, boring, and generally age-inappropriate clothing. And I figure I'm at the older end of having a baby. At least in my town (where we actually have the high school with the highest teen pregnancy rate in the country. Yes, that's right. We're number one!). I did eventually go to a higher end maternity store (including designs by Heidi Klum) which is much more cute but you pay the price. And all I was willing to pay for was a good pair of jeans, a super soft green tank top, and two tops I can wear to work (one is actually a nursing top although I haven't figured out what makes it good for nursing). Aside from these pieces, I learned that I'm set to shop in regular clothing stores. Shopping with my mom I found some really good finds at Marshalls (some ridculously long tank tops that are guarenteed to last the whole pregnancy) and Nordstrom's rack. So I saved a few bucks and can also feel good about wearing these after the pregancy is over (because really, who will wear maternity clothes when they're not pregnancy even if they do look normal). Now some people have told me that they can't even look at clothes they wore while they were pregnant - maternity or not - but it makes me feel better to buy clothes that I don't think have an expiry tag on them.
My birthday was actually on Sunday - but I had my pool party on Saturday (I did manage to find a cute black maternity bathing suit at Target. A good investment considering I'll be pregnant all summer long and discovered that swimming is great exercise for back pain). It was the exact same party as last year except everyone was sober. So in other words, it was completely different. Still fun mind you (the volley ball game actually stepped up a bit and moved into "keeping score" which was new) but nothing got broken, no one hit on underage girls at the corner store, and no new names for shots were made (Mexican banana cream pie anyone?). Next year, I'll have to put my DH on baby duty because it's just not a party unless someone's keys get put in the toilet or Senor Bob ends up on the bottom of the pool.
I decided to cut off my hair. Not really short but it does feel pretty short to me - you'll see it at my next photo update which is actually today. I like it better straight than curly so I'm imagining my hair will be worn straight a lot this summer but currently it is curly so stay tuned. Thanks to everyone for the birthday cards/wishes!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
18 weeks
4 1/2 months in and I'm starting to feel that back pain - just like my pregnancy email updates tell me. And the baby is the size of a large mango and about 1/2 pound. Oh and speaking of weight, I am finally catching up on the weight I lost in the first trimester so I'm almost the same weight as when I started. Looks like about a week and a half before we find out the gender of this baby!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
The 8 best-ofs of Pregnancy
1. An explanation for the bloated tummy. In fact, the only time when it is appropriate to "show off" a pooch.
2. Excellent skin with absolutely no product. I actually can attest to this because I ran out of good skin cleanser ages ago and have resorted to using a bar of soap. You got it: rinse, lather, lather some more (bars of soap don't lather easily), apply, rinse.
3. People will offer you their seat just by virtue of having something growing inside of you (the fact that it's about 3.5 ounces (or 100 grams for non-americans) is inconsequential).
4. You can eat as much as you want. Ok, so you can't eat whatever you want but at least you don't get looks when you get up for a second helping of acceptable food (i.e., alcohol-caffeine-raw-unpasteurized free food).
5. You don't feel guilty about not seeing a gym in ages. Kind of relates to point #4 but is so pleasurable that it warrants its own point.
6. You can take naps in the middle of the day. This is more limited when you're at work but one of my co-workers actually suggested that I shut my door and put my head on my desk when necessary. I haven't had to do this yet but I try to take full advantage on the weekends.
7. It gives you something to talk about other than the weather. It's amazing how many people feel like they can relate to you once they know you're pregnant. Especially when they find out it's your first. This brings on all kinds of conversation in situations where you have to make conversation and there's been clear blue skies for weeks.
8. It gives you extra motivation to finish up all those house projects. I know this doesn't really sounds like a "best" thing about pregnancy, I mean who likes house projects (other than a certain DIY person I know), but it's something I really like to have done but find so hard to motivate myself to do (it does however, compete with number 6). Nothing like a ticking clock to set this in motion.
2. Excellent skin with absolutely no product. I actually can attest to this because I ran out of good skin cleanser ages ago and have resorted to using a bar of soap. You got it: rinse, lather, lather some more (bars of soap don't lather easily), apply, rinse.
3. People will offer you their seat just by virtue of having something growing inside of you (the fact that it's about 3.5 ounces (or 100 grams for non-americans) is inconsequential).
4. You can eat as much as you want. Ok, so you can't eat whatever you want but at least you don't get looks when you get up for a second helping of acceptable food (i.e., alcohol-caffeine-raw-unpasteurized free food).
5. You don't feel guilty about not seeing a gym in ages. Kind of relates to point #4 but is so pleasurable that it warrants its own point.
6. You can take naps in the middle of the day. This is more limited when you're at work but one of my co-workers actually suggested that I shut my door and put my head on my desk when necessary. I haven't had to do this yet but I try to take full advantage on the weekends.
7. It gives you something to talk about other than the weather. It's amazing how many people feel like they can relate to you once they know you're pregnant. Especially when they find out it's your first. This brings on all kinds of conversation in situations where you have to make conversation and there's been clear blue skies for weeks.
8. It gives you extra motivation to finish up all those house projects. I know this doesn't really sounds like a "best" thing about pregnancy, I mean who likes house projects (other than a certain DIY person I know), but it's something I really like to have done but find so hard to motivate myself to do (it does however, compete with number 6). Nothing like a ticking clock to set this in motion.
Monday, May 3, 2010


We got the baby crib this weekend! Our first real purchase. And we were lucky to get the floor model so it is already assembled and right next to our bed. It's a convertible crib so it will turn into a toddler bed and eventually a full size bed. I'm currently looking around online to see about getting the dresser (it has the changing table on top) and nightstand. We got it in the mocha finish so it's quite dark but not as dark as our bedroom furniture.
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