Tuesday, May 11, 2010

18 weeks

4 1/2 months in and I'm starting to feel that back pain - just like my pregnancy email updates tell me. And the baby is the size of a large mango and about 1/2 pound. Oh and speaking of weight, I am finally catching up on the weight I lost in the first trimester so I'm almost the same weight as when I started. Looks like about a week and a half before we find out the gender of this baby!


  1. oh sure. that time it worked. i tried 3 other times to comment and blogger gave me an error! anyway, what i was going to say was... i don't know why, but i have a feeling it's going to be a boy. can't wait to find out!

  2. I know, me too. And I haven't even done the ring, cabbage, or draino test (these last two involve peeing into a cup which I just can't do outside of the doctors office).

  3. ok just seeing this. do i even want to know what those are?!?
