Friday, June 25, 2010

My first stranger comment!

I had a dentist appointment today, which is never fun, but it's extra not fun when you're pregnant. One of the side effects of pregnancy is bleeding gums. And I'm not just talking about once in awhile when you floss. I'm talking every time you brush your teeth. It's very annoying. And gross. But, one of the things they recommend you do at least once during your pregnancy is to get your teeth cleaned. So there I was, waiting for my own torture when a very old woman (who had braids...) was on her way out of the office when saw me from across the room and smiled. I smiled back (I thought she might have been a bit crazy to be honest) and then she said the magic words, "your first?" Oh...that's why she was smiling at me. Anyway, not only was she brave enough to assume that I'm pregnant (old people probably don't know/care when they're offensive) but she also must of thought I was young enough to look like it was my first! Double bonus. This means I am finally out of the just looking fat stage (it was a very long stage...) but it leads me to thoughts on belly touching. You know, the number one thing pregnant people complain about. When random people coming up to you and touch your belly. Now granted this hasn't happened to me yet (probably the next stage after recognition) but this is where I really don't see eye to eye with the rest of my pregnant ladies. I really don't get what the big deal is. It's not like people are grabbing your ass, or worse, your growing bust line. But this whole united front on it is annoying because I feel like it's scared people off, even friends, from experiencing one of the coolest things about pregnancy. At least for me, I want to feel my belly all the time (becasue quite honestly, it is REALLY weird. I still can't get over how it feels like a hard rock, and then the fact that it moves is just really weird/cool. On Wednesday in my yoga class when I was in table top position, I could actually see that his head/butt was sticking out on the left side of my body). So of course, I like to subject anyone else around to the weirdness (akin to..."you should taste this...isn't it gross?" Ok...not the best analogy...but the point is it is definitley out of the ordinary and you want other people to share in this experience). So now I feel like I'm one of those annoying people asking people to feel her belly all the time (my husband gets it the worst. I make him put his head on my belly pretty much everyday. But I think it's so cool that he can actually hear the heart beat in there). Most people seem excited when I ask them to (or at least they haven't said no) so this confirms my suspicion that pregnant women have scared people off from touching pregnant bellies. It's a shame really. I'm telling you, it really never gets old.

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