I can't believe I'm officially 8 months pregnant! And the baby is now about 3 lbs 8 ounces which is in the 28th percentile for weight (isn't crazy how they know all this stuff???). The average weight at this point is 4 pounds so he's on the smaller side but still within normal range. At this point they gain about 1/2 pound a week (so why do I need to gain about 1 pound a week? I don't know) so it's unlikely that I'll have a 10 pound baby (phew!) but he can also change his percentile in the next 8 weeks (3 weeks ago he was in the 26th percentile). Nothing much else new to report, my back pain is pretty much gone and the heart burn has been taken care of with a little tums (what a great invention) so things are good.
My DH and I are taking a couples prenatal yoga preparation for childbirth class this weekend (includes some massage techniques!) so I'm excited to be actually doing something about the labor part (I guess it's time to start thinking about that). I also have decided to hire a doula and try the au natural route (how hard can it be, right?...right?). We haven't decided THE doula yet (the one we were originally talking to only has been to 5 births and only 1 hospital birth which was an unplanned c-section at the last minute. So no experience with going through the whole labor in the hospital) but I have some recommendations so I feel like we're getting close. We also signed up for some childbirth education classes with the head doula in Tucson (who doesn't do births anymore but does good classes). That won't be for another month but that'll probably be good so it's more fresh in my mind.
I'm getting ready for the wedding (only 4 more weeks!) and went down to see my "tailor" (i.e., my MIL) on Monday about the dress. Amazingly, I can still get it on and zip it up! Ok, yes, it looks a little like I could be friends with Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman (at the beginning of the movie) but still....I could get it on! So the alterations are actually pretty simple. The top will be untouched, and she's just adding side panels at the seam on each side (she found this black material that pretty much matches perfectly). I am a little worried that it won't look exactly the same as the other BM dresses (aside from the huge tummy that is) because I was trying to tell her she needs to bring the seams back together after the tummy (so more like a side diamond piece then a panel all the way down to the bottom) but she didn't really get it and really wanted to make an A-line cut (if anything, it seemed to be getting wider). Hmm...ok so it's just going to go out and out and never come back in??? Anyway, I told her what I wanted so we'll see what it looks like soon (I think she is doing it this week). I know, beggers can't be choosers (she is doing this for free) but it's hard not to be a chooser. My next plan is to find some alternative green shoes to the awesome pumps that I have. Just so I can have something to change into (post-wedding ceremony) that will draw less attention to my sausage feet.
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