Tuesday, March 23, 2010

11 weeks

Ok so a lot has happened since I last wrote 3 weeks ago. We had some out of town visiters (my little God child who is just over 2 years old...and she brought her parents along) and then a few days later my husband and I were off to Panama for 9 days (technically more like 7 with all that traveling time but 9 sounds so much nicer). We got back on the weekend and today is officially my 2nd day back at work (I say "officially" since it's probably obvious I'm not doing much in the way of working right now). I posted our pics of the trip on facebook so if you haven't seen them go check them out. It's the first time we used a camera that was created during modern times so we had fun trying out the different settings and actually getting decent pictures (although some came out fuzzy so we obviously have more to learn).

So the good news is I no longer have morning sickness!!! (knock on my fake wood desk). I started feeling better right before our trip and it must be an easter miracle because I felt great the whole time. Not only not sick, but I was able to go hiking, kayaking, snorkeling, etc. all without feeling really tired. Of course I'm a bit more tired now that I'm back at work....so I'm starting to think it's actually work that makes me ill. Yep, I'm feeling the need to take a day off here pretty soon....you know, for the baby.

I got an email update this morning officially letting me know I'm 11 weeks and I should be having a pot belly now. What??!! Still no pot belly (with all the travelling and everything I'm actually 3 or 4 pounds less since my doctors appoint at 7 1/2 weeks) but I'm not concerned yet. I mean really, the longer I can fit into my regular clothes the better. I figure that will all happen soon enough (yesterday I ran into an acquaintance I didn't know was pregnant. So of course I exclaim, "oh you're having a baby! Congradulations" That's how pregnant she was - you don't say something like that unless there's a good sized beach ball under there. Anyway, she was like, "yep, due in June". Wait....June is like 3 months away....so I do the quick calculation and near have a panic attack - I'm going to be that size in 3 months?! I talked to my mom this morning on the phone and she assured me that everyone is different and carries differently so not to worry (my other friend that is only 6 weeks ahead of me is in full on maternity wear). So yeah, it's a weird place between not wanting to have a beach ball over night and wondering where your pot belly is. Incidently, the little fetus is just over 2 inches long (or a large lime) and is growing fingernails so I suppose he/she doesn't need much space yet.

Going back to the visit with my God child (who is the cuttest kid ever btw) made me realize that my blog before about children was probably a bit harsh. See it's not any child that bothers me, it's just the annoying ones. So if I can have a perfect little baby like my God child, all will be fine. My mom reminds me I may not have such an easy baby as her, but I'm hoping that she doesn't know what she's talking about (I mean, she only had 3 kids and I'm pretty sure we were all angels). Plus it reminded me that even if I find the baby stage hard, by the time they are two they are pretty darn cute!

1 comment:

  1. um - terrible twos mean anything to you?? i kind of want to skip it all until about age 3. i just remember my brother when he was 2, whom i still lovingly refer to as satan.
