Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I heart soup

I have been miserable since Saturday. I don't think it can be entirely pregnancy related but it's hard to say. Some of the symptoms are very similar to the common cold (stuffy nose, tiredness, achy-ness) but I also have a painful sore throat (which I don't think is pregnancy related) and some serious nausea. The worst of it was driving home late Monday night after teaching. I actually threw up on myself in the car...about a mile from my house. At least I had only been eating soup and drinking water because I had been feeling so sick so it wasn't as much of a disaster as it could have been. But it isn't helping my weight gain. At this point I should be gaining .5-1 pound a week. I weighed myself again this morning and I'm down yet another pound. Why is it when I want to lose weight it's the hardest thing in the world and now that I'm actually supposed to gain weight it's impossible.

Since I've been sick I took the day off yesterday and caught up on MTVs 16 and Pregnant. I don't know why I love that show. Maybe it makes me feel better than if these 16 year old girls can manage it somehow I will be able to too? I announced to my class Monday night that I was pregnant and it was actually kind of fun. They were really excited and one of my older/male students (he is actually a grandfather) told me afterwards that I'll be a really good mom. It kind of took me aback but it was actually really nice to hear. I don't think anyone has really said that to me (I mostly get the, "I thought you didn't want kids! Was this planned???") and I didn't realize how much I was worried about my parenting skills.

It will be a bit of a struggle today to teach my class. I feel like this cold is getting worse if that's even possible. Likely it's because I can't breathe at night so I'm not getting enough sleep, and I can't eat because of the nausea so I'm not getting much energy there either. I just need to get through this afternoon...without throwing up on myself :)

1 comment:

  1. I love that show, too. But everytime I watch it I get at least a year further away from having kids. :)
