Friday, April 9, 2010

why are we whispering?

I am feeling much better but woke up this morning without a voice. Unfortunately I had to lead a discussion group this morning at a high school to teens and by the end of it everyone was whispering (people like to match in volume apparently). I'm just hoping my research assistants will be able to hear us on the recording. I ended up going to Urgent care on Wednesday after talking to my doctor just to make sure it wasn't strep (apparently it's not good for babies) and it wasn't. So that part is good. Now is just the waiting period to get over it. I took some halls on my way home today but then was paranoid it was killing the now I have to google that and see if it's safe. One of my updates from my pregnancy tracker sites told me I need to start eating "healthy" which means no processed foods or things with extra sugar in them (like spagetti sauce). WTF? Seriously. What am I supposed to eat? They also say eating raw vegetables and fruit can poison the baby with this life threatening bacteria. So apparently I need to visit my local nursing home and get some tips from the chef.

I experienced my first earthquake! And so did my baby :) I was sitting working at the computer (now in my living room since the office is now the babies room) and I started feeling really dizzy. Like the feeling you get when you're out at sea on a small boat or when you're about to pass out. At first I thought it was morning sickness hitting me again but then I looked at the table next to me and noticed the vase on it was moving. Then I looked up at the chandeliers and they started to move too. And then it was really swinging and the pool had big waves sloshing back and forth from one side to the other. My DH made us stand under the doorway (I would have had no clue it was an earthquake. I always thought an earthquake was more like a vibration or rumbling like you were going to go through the floor. But all of my information about earthquakes comes from watching episodes of full house). The earthquake happened in Mexico (6.9) but we felt the effects! Ok I know earthquakes are not good things but still, it was kind of exciting (just like I kind of want to experience a tornado...without the whole going to Oz part of it).

I had my first real baby dream last night. I dreamt that I wasn't gaining enough weight and I could see the entire outline of the baby in my belly and he (yes, it was a boy) was lying only on my right side so I was all lop-sided looking. So I decided that I would take him out of my belly to see what he looks like and then put him right back in so he could keep growing. And somehow I could do this quite painlessly without any blood. So in case you are all on the edge of your seats, I'm having a boy with lots of curly brown hair. Eye color is still up in the air. In my dream one eye was blue and the other was brown. So I put him back in my stomach so he could keep growing until his eye color would match.


  1. first of all, yet another reason i don't want to have a baby anytime soon is giving up certain foods! like i'm really going to give up prego?! ha, good luck with that. ok, i know i'm not the most helpful commentor... but i can't help it. second of all, i don't like to predict these things, but i've also had the weirdest feeling that you're having a boy so... maybe you really are! i believe that dreams can be real sometimes, whether intended or not.

  2. btw - there is nothing wrong with a baby with two different colored eyes :) in fact, i get complimented on mine alllll of the time!!!!
